Brain is the superior organ of human body. There are many systems functioning in our body. The organs which are used to do different actions are divided into different categories. The different functions of the organs makes a man to do different types of activities. They all are correlated with each other to perform the total activities of the body.The organs of human body function with combine together. There are delicate organs which are unseen and do most of works. The mind and conscious are the organs that do think, study, learn experiment and do actions accordingly.
There are two factors which leads a life perfectly. They are growth and development of body, mind and spirit. Growth refers to increasing size, shape of the organs of the body. Development means the development of qualities of the organs of the body. Mind and consciousness are that part of the body which are unseen and do different types of action like feeling, taking decision and doing action. If the mind feels that it should do, then it does the action properly. When the mind feels that it shouldn't do, then it never goes towards that action.
Human being does the actions with
body, mind and spirit. When mind thinks something, the spirit takes decision
and gives order to the body to act. To live and necessary, luxurious,
comfortable life, human being do different types of actions either it may be
difficult or easy. Man has different types of desires and thoughts. He gets
happiness and feels comfortable when he able to fulfill his desire. Among
feelings of mind, some of them are positive and some are of negative. When
there is a positive feeling, our body language changes, it means we smile,
laugh, dance and others feeling like this come to mind. When mind thinks and
the body can’t fulfill the desires, it shows negative feeling like crying,
sadness, pale face, realization and other feeling.
There are inborn qualities which
come from womb of a mother which helps for the organs and the body to develop. Some other
qualities also develop during a life span. The term ‘mental’ derives from the
word ‘mind’. During a life span, man concentrates his mind on different desires
and actions. Sometimes, this concentration of mind may cause mental diseases.
For example, a student prepared himself totally by doing labor day and night,
if he couldn't succeed in the struggle, he concentrates his mind on that
particular action and suffers from mental diseases like depression, harassment,
suffocation. Sometimes, hard words or slang languages from our friend,
relatives, elders hurt to us. We feel insult and our mind concentrates on that
word, conscience can’t take a decision what to do, which causes mental
disorders and becomes mental disease. When we couldn't fulfill our desire with
a hard labor for a long period of time, we feel fade off from the job, our
conscience can’t decide to mend the wrong doing and we are trapped in net of
different kinds of thoughts that causes mental diseases.
Some accidents lead to mental
disorders by causing injury to the part of the brain. Some people go into
mental depressions after facing failure in the examination or in their life.
The persons having much anger sometimes become prey to mental diseases. The
weather conditions also cause mental disease. Staying in extreme hot or cold
conditions may change the conditions of different parts of the brain and cause
mental diseases. Bad food habits, taking of drugs and toxic substances etc. can take the
people slowly towards the mental diseases. Some bomb blasts take the mental
abilities of the people along with the valuable lives of their loved ones who
may be their father, mother, brother and sister. Departing from loved ones in distress grow a feeling of loneliness in mind and causes mental diseases.
Most often human being concentrated his mind on study, wealth,power, position and other desires to fulfill his life. The concentration on wealth leads to do different types of activities which causes mental disorder. Some furious, dangerous and pathetic scenery and situations also cause mental disorders. Suffering from diseases chronically also cause mental disorders. Viruses enters in the network of brain and alter the network of brain which block the actions like thinking and taking decision properly.The viruses are the negative thoughts and improper decisions.
The environment and the surrounding is the sole responsible factor for the development of brain and mind. So we should have to take care about our health and hygiene well accordingly to avoid such mental disorders. Harassment from any desired thing and unsuccess in getting target may cause mental diseases.
Most often human being concentrated his mind on study, wealth,power, position and other desires to fulfill his life. The concentration on wealth leads to do different types of activities which causes mental disorder. Some furious, dangerous and pathetic scenery and situations also cause mental disorders. Suffering from diseases chronically also cause mental disorders. Viruses enters in the network of brain and alter the network of brain which block the actions like thinking and taking decision properly.The viruses are the negative thoughts and improper decisions.
The environment and the surrounding is the sole responsible factor for the development of brain and mind. So we should have to take care about our health and hygiene well accordingly to avoid such mental disorders. Harassment from any desired thing and unsuccess in getting target may cause mental diseases.
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