Human body is a collection of organs and systems. With the help of vitamins and minerals they do different functions collectively. There is certain fixed qualities and quantities among them to run the body properly, means healthy. The three main ingredients of body are air, bile and phlegm. Imbalance of these three causes different types of diseases. To maintain balance among these, there are many factors responsible for it like food habits, surrounding and human activities. Leprosy is a disease which is classified according to air, bile and phlegm.
Due to air problem in body, it causes kapala leprosy. Increase of phlegm causes mandal leprosy. Deposit of enough bile in body causes udumber leprosy. Increasing of air, bile and phlegm causes kakanaka leprosy. Mixing of air and phlegm causes rukhya jiva leprosy. Mixing of phlegm and bile causes pundari leprosy. mixing of air and phlegm causes sidhama leprosy. These are called the seven great leprosy.
There are also eleven smaller leprosy according to infection of air, bile and phlegm. They are chamakhya leprosy, eka leprosy, chiktim leprosy, bipadika leprosy, alasak leprosy, pama leprosy, sataru leprosy, bisphotak leprosy, daddu leprosy, charmadal leprosy, bicharchika leprosy. All these leprosy are due to increase in air, bile and phlegm. So, during treatment the physician has to go through the symptoms of the three ingredients. First of all, physician has to find the remedy to bring balance of air, bile and phlegm.
Symptoms of imbalance in air, bile and phlegm- Symptoms of infection in air are dullness of skin, weakness of organs, pain like needle stitch, squeeze of skin, tension in mind, change in the colour of skin either black or red. Symptoms of leprosy due to infection in bile are burning, bleeding, creating pus, smelling bad, wetting body, decaying of body organs and destroying. Symptoms of leprosy due to infection in leprosy are wide patches on skin, itching, heaviness of body, shining of skin, increasing worms in the body.
Conditions of leprosy- There are three conditions of leprosy. They are incurable, curable, less curable.
Curable leprosy- The leprosy in which there are more air and phlegm factors and any one is the main factor among the three factors, then it is curable. It is called curable leprosy.
Incurable leprosy- The leprosy in which the patient feels extremely weak, thirsty, burning skin and body, inactive organ, increasing of leprosy worms throughout the body which is incurable.
Less curable- The leprosy where there is extreme infection of three ingredients like air, bile and phlegm at a time is seen in the body of the patient.
Steps of treatment for leprosy- The leprosy causes due to infection of air should be taken the treatment with pure cow ghee because pure cow ghee decrease the extreme infection of air. Leprosy causes due to infection of phlegm should treat with forcefully vomiting of the patient. Leprosy causes due to extreme infection of bile should treat with applying medicine for excretion of stool.
Dialysis for leprosy- Dialysis means dialysis of blood, excretion of phlegm and bile from the body and purification of blood. Creating of vomiting and excretion of stools should keep an eye to the strength of the patient. Use Neem juice with honey which will create vomiting and clear the phlegm from the patients body. Leprosy on the skin on the outer body sometimes causes due to air problem inside the body. Inn this case, patient should use kutaja, madan phal, mulaithi and papera leaves with neem juice.
To be excreted stool properly the patient should use white nisoth, dantimul and triphala. For this purpose, the patient should take enough water because in excreting stool from the patient's body, the water portion may be decreased from his body.
There is another treatment for leprosy patient that is nasal treatment. In this treatment the patient has been given a powder of mixture of some elements like Black salt, Dantimula, Black peeper, Holy basil seeds,long peeper, and bidanga of equal quantity. by smelling this powder the worms and phlegm inside the head of the patient will come out through nasal cavities.
Another treatment of leprosy patient is leaping of singhi,tumbi and jack on the wounded area. Diabetes patients also suffers from wound problems due to sugar in body. So diabetes patients should use this on wound.
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