Causes and symptoms of fever

The abnormal conditions of our body lead to different kinds of diseases. Fever is one of them. Fever also are of different types such as  typhoid, dengue, pneumonia, epilimnia and others. Most of us use paracetamol or other such combinations of medicine before knowing the patient's details. Nowadays people are being popularised  about its side effect. But Ayurveda goes through the origin of the fever. Delirium is a serious fever. let's know about it.

                                      Symptoms of Delirium

According to Charak in delirium fever the patient feels sometimes hot and sometimes cool  The patient feels pain in joints and in bones. Tears come out  from eyes and throat becomes irritated. Sleeplessness, faint, murmuring, cough, problem in respiration, the tongue  becomes uncontrolled. Sweats become slow or less. The stomach becomes blocked and constipation doesn't clear the stool properly. Blood can't  circulate through the brain properly, the patient so murmurs and shout, feels pain and difficulties to take anything with the mouth. The patient feels sleepy during day time rather than night. 
                                 Different types of Delirium

There are different types of delirium fever. The imbalance in the ratio of phlegm, bile and air are seen in different situations of fever. All fevers are the  common symptoms of the respiratory problem, cough, cold, dry mouth, pain in the body faintness, puzzle mind. In imbalance of bile typhoid fever is one type of delirium. Here the bleeding in intestine is common. Like that due to phlegm the patient may suffers from feeling of heavy cold. There is another type of fever which causes due to fear, excessive anger, eagerness, bad dream and mental disorders. Here the patient trembled with anger, it can diagnose  directly.

                                      Continuous fever

Brain fever, typhoid and pneumonia are known as continuous fever. Leishmaniasis and malaria are called double continuous fever. Imbalance in the three properties like air, bile and phlegm is also causes continuous fever.

                                 Incurable fever
The fever which decrease the energy of the organs after treatment also, that is called incurable fever. In this type of fever there is chances of destruction of any of eleven organs like ear, eye , skin  hand , leg, smell, voice, brain and mind.

                               Fever due to bile

In this fever the symptoms are tasteless mouth, indigestion, heavy stomach, sleeplessness, heart problem , constipation, continue flowing of saliva, lack of appetite, weakness in body, thirst, shouting, respiratory problems, vomiting. The fever is young up to seven days. adult up to twelve days and more than that called old fever.

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