Medicinal values of Walnut

alnut is a deciduous tree and looks  very beautiful. Walnut tree which grows in the forest are  of 100- 200 ft height, it is auto germinated and thick cover of its fruit. The trees which are grown in agricultural field are of 40-90 ft of height and the cover of its fruit is thin. It is known as the kagji walnut tree.

The outer shape of walnut tree---Its newborn branches are shining, brown, cracks of the branches are straight. The leaves of this tree are like feathers and thick. Its fruits are spherical and in green colour where two yellow points are shown. It gives flower in the spring season and fruit comes out in autumn.

Chemical composition-- Walnut contains 40-45 % of a kind of oil. Oxalic acid is found in its fruits also.

Properties-- Its properties are to control air inside the body, increase phlegm and bile. Coating on skin diseases is most helpful with it.

                                    Medicinal values

Weakness in the brain-- Use the walnut seeds 20-50 g daily by extracting the coats of the seeds. It must give strength to the brain.

In gout--Massage walnut oil on that part of the body and give steam treatment. Heat a piece of brick, sprinkle water on it, wrap a cloth around it and  steam it with the affected area.

Epilepsy-- Make a paste of walnut oil with the juice of five-leaved chaste and put on nasal cavity.

Eyesight-- Take two walnut fruits and three brown nuts and fire to make ash, take 4 cloves and make a paste of it. Use that powder on the eye. It will cure eye problems and enhances eyesight.

Mumps--Collect walnut leaves, make decoction, make it condense, take 40-60 g of it daily and wash the affected area with it.

Dental disease-- Chewing of walnut bark cleans the teeth. Paste of its barks helps in strengthening the teeth.

Increasing mother's milk-- Take 10 g of walnut leaves' powder with wheat flour, prepare bread with pure cow ghee. Give it to the mother daily to eat. After seven days, milk will increase automatically.

Cough-- Fry uncovered walnut seed and chew it. Prepare ash of bark and walnut seed, take 5 g honey with 1 g ash and lick it 3-4 times a day.

Diarrhoea-- Use walnut oil to massage on the diarrhoea patients to cure the weakness of the body.

In constipation-- Take 20-40 g of walnut oil with 250 ml of cow milk daily in the morning. It will loose the stool easily.

Intestinal worm problem-- Make the decoction of walnut bark, take 40-60 g of it. It will kill the worms. You can also take the decoction of leaves of the walnut tree.

Piles-- Condense the walnut oil and apply on piles to get relief from pain. Take 2-5 g of walnut leaves' ash with honey and black peppers' powder. Take it daily in the morning and evening to get the best result to stop the blood.

Delay in menstruation-- Take 40-60 g decoction of walnut bark, mix 2 teaspoonful of honey, drink it 3-4 times daily to get best result.

Gonorrhoea-- Take uncovered walnut seed 50 g, dry dates 40 g, make it powder and fry with pure cow ghee. Mix sugar candy and take 35 g of it daily.

Swelling diseases-- Take 10-40 g of walnut oil, 250 ml of cow urine and drink it regularly.

Scabies-- Before brushing the teeth, take 5-10 g of uncovered walnut and chew it, bring out the chewed paste from the mouth and apply it on affected area.

Give importance to the medicinal value of walnut and make body healthy.

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