Whatever we do eat, that enter into food pipe through our mouth and enters into the stomach. Our vocal curds also go through our throat. On the one hand throat is the main organ of our body, through which many functions of our body organized. If any kind of disease takes place in our throat, it becomes difficult to live a life. Most often due to swelling inside the throat, a man suffers from vocal curd problems, feels pain in the throat. The man affected by this problem suffers from serious fever which causes constipation, urine becomes deep yellow, pain in back and headache problems. Except these the patient feels pain in the whole body, voice becomes slowdown, tongue becomes dirty and emits bad smell, pain in throat increases and spreads towards the ear, during meal it gives more pain. The following are different diseases of throat.
Tonsil - Often it has seen that the inner part of throat swells. It happens when there is a deposit of poisonous particles in the inner layer of the throat. Tonsil leads to swelling in the inner muscles and closes the door of the throat. It creates knots in the muscles which is called tonsil. In this diseases, if the patient takes potato,rice, flour,chocolate,sugar,sweet ,sour and cold food, the tonsil in the throat swells much. Due to this the patient suffers from constipation. Tonsil increases due to cold. The patient feels pain whenever he starts to drink water. Headache and fever takes place in the patient's body. Pressure in throat and cough also comes out.
Diphtheria- Diphtheria most often attacks to the children. Treatment for this disease should not be late.This disease affects the throat and the nose. Diphtheria seen in cold and hilly areas. It spreads fast, so it is a contaminated disease. When the children affected with cold, there is chance of sever cough and disease of diphtheria. When in the membrane of throat affected by germs, then the disease of diphtheria occurs. This disease spreads through sneezing, cough and biting in front of others. Eating of stale food, living in hazardous environment or in heavy cold regions has more chances of such type of diseases.
Hoarseness- When the problems of broken voice starts , the patient suffers from inaudible voice which feels like any things has deposited in the throat. Granules created in the throat due to the disease syphilis. The patient feels itching, tinkling, boils, cough and roughness in the throat. The patient suffers from swallowing and drinking of food and water. When the patient tries to cough, he feels as if he is suffering from lungs disease. There is a chance of inflammation and wound in the throat. People who are talkative, singers speakers, actors are suffer from this problems.
Tonsil - Often it has seen that the inner part of throat swells. It happens when there is a deposit of poisonous particles in the inner layer of the throat. Tonsil leads to swelling in the inner muscles and closes the door of the throat. It creates knots in the muscles which is called tonsil. In this diseases, if the patient takes potato,rice, flour,chocolate,sugar,sweet ,sour and cold food, the tonsil in the throat swells much. Due to this the patient suffers from constipation. Tonsil increases due to cold. The patient feels pain whenever he starts to drink water. Headache and fever takes place in the patient's body. Pressure in throat and cough also comes out.
Diphtheria- Diphtheria most often attacks to the children. Treatment for this disease should not be late.This disease affects the throat and the nose. Diphtheria seen in cold and hilly areas. It spreads fast, so it is a contaminated disease. When the children affected with cold, there is chance of sever cough and disease of diphtheria. When in the membrane of throat affected by germs, then the disease of diphtheria occurs. This disease spreads through sneezing, cough and biting in front of others. Eating of stale food, living in hazardous environment or in heavy cold regions has more chances of such type of diseases.
Hoarseness- When the problems of broken voice starts , the patient suffers from inaudible voice which feels like any things has deposited in the throat. Granules created in the throat due to the disease syphilis. The patient feels itching, tinkling, boils, cough and roughness in the throat. The patient suffers from swallowing and drinking of food and water. When the patient tries to cough, he feels as if he is suffering from lungs disease. There is a chance of inflammation and wound in the throat. People who are talkative, singers speakers, actors are suffer from this problems.
Causes of all types of diseases related to throat- Wetting in rain, catching cold, living in hazardous environment, in gout, fever, dog cough, scarlet, hepatitis, TB, dental diseases, decaying of teeth leads to throat diseases. Due to bacterial infection, breathing through open mouth, closing of nose, sinus diseases, more cold and corrhiza, making more speeches, taking of wine, smoking, taking of oily and spicy food, taking severe cold food, creating different sounds, constipation, the disease of tonsil and vocal problems occur.
Ayurvedic treatment for throat diseases-
- Pure honey should be given to the patient to lick.
- Gargling with warm water by mixing salt.
- take 1 teaspoonful of holy basil seeds with honey and lick it to avoid swelling throat.
- Make a solution of black pepper and horsegram, boil it for half an hour, mix honey with it and give to the patient.
- Warm castor leaf , apply honey on it, bind the leaf on throat to get relief from tonsil.
- Take 5-6 holy basil leaves and boil it, mix hone and gargle with that water for tonsil.
- Take 1 teaspoonful of black pepper powder, mix honey with it, give the patient to lick for blocked throat.
- Keep sugar candy or clove in mouth and suck its juice in Laryngitis disease.
- In hoarseness, use black pepper and sugar candy.
- Taking the powder of yellow myrobalam with sugar cane juice gives relief in Goitre.
- Warm the sugar cane and suck its juice to get relief in hoarseness.
- Make a paste of onion by subjecting it to fire, take it after taking 250 mg roasted borax to open the throat.
- Gargling with decoction of root of drumstick to get relief from hoarseness.
- Mix wild asparagus, country mallow and sugar with honey and take it to get relief in hoarseness.
- Gargle with grapes' juice to get relief from the throat diseases.
- Taking of 10 ml juice of grapes mix with 1 g of yellow myrobalam twice in a day is very helpful in thyroid problem.
- Grind Bhringraj leaves, cook with ghee, make balls and arrange them with a thread, put the thread on neck, it will cure the pain in throat.
- Chewing of 5-10 g of coriander seeds 3-4 times a day must cure the pain in the throat.
- Using 10-15 ml juice of blackberry daily is a helpful way of curing throat diseases.
- Take 10-20 g of bark of orchid tree, boil it with 400 ml of water, boil up to 1/4th of the water remain, filter it and drink it after cooling. It will cure throat diseases.
- Grind root of palash tree(Butea monosperma), warm it on fire, apply on neck, it will cure the swelling in the throat.