After disease of anaemia and jaundice, asthma takes birth. It is the view of Ayurvedic researchers. Asthma causes due to negligence in proper treatment of anaemia and jaundice. Repeated cough is hiccough disease. The disease in which man live a life of tragedy with suffocation and difficult in breathing known as asthma. It increases and leads to hiccough disease. The hick sound comes through mouth due to the breathing air block in wind pipe.
Hiccough and asthma both are the phlegm and air related diseases. It may cause in decrease of vital energy and haemoglobin in the body. The patient has to take care of his food habits and living styles, otherwise he may forget his life.
The entry of dust and smoke inside the lounges through breathing, drinking of cold water, more exercises, walking , taking stale food, increasing of air in stomach, weak body, excessive of vomiting, dysentery, flowing pulses through urine, allergy, jaundice and asthma takes place. Except these excessive use of Til oil, flour of rice, taking of heavy food, drinking of raw milk which causes phlegm and deposited in chest and causes hiccough and asthma. There are three types of cough related to bile, phlegm and polluted air. But hiccough is only related to air and phlegm.
As a result of the above causes, the inhaling air get polluted in the wind pipe and drive away the phlegm which create obstacle for breathing. The colic spasm of diaphragm creates hiccough. The causes of asthma and hiccough are same but their symptoms are different. The starting symptoms of hiccough are feelings of heaviness in chest and throat and bobble sound in the stomach of human body. Where as pain in the belly,muscles and heart with suffocation are previous scenery of hiccough. In this disease, phlegm and air creates problems in other sections body. Here the patient feels as if his lever, spleen and related internal parts of his body are coming out through mouth again and again. The patient may die due to this type of symptoms.
Hiccough divided into five categories such as hiccough due to phlegm, due to both air and phlegm, due to food habit, due to excessive exercises, due to excessive food and drinking water. Hiccough related to phlegm affects throat and creates high sound repeatedly. Sometimes it creates two or three times hick sound continuously. It affects to heart, stomach and decrease memory power. The affected person also loses his voice due to injured vocal cord. According to Ayurvedic practitioner, this type of hiccough comes out with great speed and high sound. It also vibrates the whole body.
Another type of hiccough is due to phlegm and air increase in the body. Hiccough comes from the main point of navel. So it creates high sound which is main place for bile. It comes out with serious pain and bends the body automatically. Darkness seen in front of the eye, block the way of breathing, it destroys knowledge and strength of the patient. The patient feels as if his lever broken down. So it is very dangerous.
Hiccough due to bad food habits is different from the other types of hiccough. The four types of food responsible for it like chewing food, drinking food, sucking food, licking food. When these food got digested, it increases the speed of hiccough. During this period, the patient shows shouting with unnecessary words, vomits,dysentery, excessive thirsty etc. symptoms. Patient becomes senseless and feels dry mouth.
Excessive exercise also responsible for another type of hiccough. When the air enters into stomach from food pipe, it starts pain. After meal it becomes silence. This type of hiccough shown under the lower part of heart when diaphragm spreads uncontrollably. It known as the effect of reverse air in stomach.
Excessive exercise also responsible for another type of hiccough. When the air enters into stomach from food pipe, it starts pain. After meal it becomes silence. This type of hiccough shown under the lower part of heart when diaphragm spreads uncontrollably. It known as the effect of reverse air in stomach.
There is another type of hiccough due to taking excessive food and water. Increasing anger, laughing, more speech also responsible for this disease. Drinking of limited water can resolve this problem.
To get relief from asthma and hiccough bark of the Arjuna plant can be used. Bring bark of the Arjuna plant, wash it properly and dry in the sun. After dry, grind it into dust. Take one teaspoonful of Arjuna dust and pure honey with warm water at bed time regularly for a month. Take milk with turmeric powder at night. The disease of asthma will cure gradually. Take 100 grams of Arjuna bark and boil it with four cup of water. After boiled, it should remain one cup of juice.Filter it and take one cup of it with a teaspoonful of honey early in the morning before breakfast.You must be cured with this medicine.
Don't awake till late night. It will create air in your stomach. Avoid spicy food, red chilly, smoking, Non veg items, roaming in dust area , more exercise, walking or running long distance, taking sour food, stale food, avoid speaking more or giving speech.