From the beginning of the universe, after creation of life cell, the regular evolution of life took place. The concept of philosophy starts from the universe. The source stream of philosophy presents in the heart and soul of human being. The creation of philosophy and science is one for other, so that they can not be separated. So far the universe is exist, the philosophy is also exist with it. But prior to two hundreds years the spectacular scenery of science has discovered. There are two types of effects of science on human being. One is direct and other is indirect effect. The indirect effect of science on human being is created from its research.
The aim of science is to research the truth and establish it, discover the history of the universe where there is the origin of life. This indirect effects of science is controlling the thoughts of human being towards the universe. As a result the human being is getting free from the blind believes and earning self confidence. During the journey of science in the way of inventions and discoveries, it has given a lots of facilities to human being for his comfort, luxurious and easy life. This direct effect of the science is helping the human being to know the philosophy better. May the indirect effect of science be great for human being but the direct effect of science is bringing the human being nearer to the science.
The human being has developed technically through the direct effects of science and being considered as supreme creature in the world. Science became the non separable part of human life due its deep relation. The life style of the human being became so luxurious that man can't live for a single moment without the help of science. In each and every sphere of the human life, science has taken sole responsibility to develop the society. In our real life philosophy has also a great role.
In the modern materialistic society, some negative notion of the people come into notice that think the philosophy as valueless concept in modern society. Because they feel only science is the main concept to make progress of the society. Science is providing the facilities of leading a comfortable life to human being. Philosophy has the capacity to develop the super brain of the human being to apply the science. Philosophy can reform and modify the mind, heart and soul of human being. Knowledge and technology are both two sides of a coin. Without philosophy no knowledge can develop in human mind and the man can't learn science to apply in real life.
Up to that far off destiny, where the human being has mind and soul exist in body, philosophy also has it's physics. The value of philosophy no less value than the science. Because the store house of knowledge is always filled with the help of science. The invention and discovery of science is filling the brain of human being with knowledge of life. The conscience is developing with the philosophy according to the science. Philosophy is the inspiring tools for the development of science. It tries to spread the knowledge of science throughout the world. So science and philosophy are inter linked each other.The most invention and discovery of science has already described in the philosophy, For which the life of human being is so luxurious and comfortable today.