relationship between | modernization of culture and diseases suffering by human being

            Since the beginning of human social life, human being lead a life bounded by culture of its own. The human society developing  step by step gradually according to the evolution of life. The first and foremost society begins near water bodies like rives, streams, lakes etc. Man started cultivating crops for his feeding. He tried to make different tools for his agricultural and living purpose. Learned to use metals as tools and ornaments. He was doing physical labour most of time. He was applying his mind to develop his life style. The science and philosophy got together and man started to manufacture machines and equipment. The system of living a life at that time was difficult and tragic. If we go through the history of human being we can know better about it. Food habits, clothing, housing, transportation, roads and other sphere of life developed gradually.

          In traditional system of life man was doing more physical labour according to his strength and capacity. There was a deep relationship among them. The customs and traditions were their chain to bind them together. They were worshipping the nature and had faith and respect on the natural objects. In each field of their activities in life such as healing treatment systems with food habits was a case in point thing. When they were suffering from different diseases, they were taking fruits, roots, flowers, leaves and other plant products directly. They were also calling to witch doctors or enchanters.

          They had manual labour more in the field of agriculture. Total family members were engaging in the field. Cultivate the field, harvesting, threshing, producing rice from paddy, cooking food, drawing water from well, clothing habits, building houses to save from the weather and climate of the nature etc. activities were totally natural. As a result they were living healthy, strong and bold to face the situations of life. There was no pollution in water, air and other sources of the nature.

              As the man entered into the modern culture and society, he started using artificial commodities like food, cloth, medicines, tools for his daily activities. Man wanted to the food be tasty and used spices, oils,flavors and other ingredients needed in preparing the food. The man did not go through the values, qualities and effects on body of this type of food. The man wanted to save time for his regular activities. The using of artificial goods and services in different field of life took the man to the world of suffering.

           In the old age man was using natural compost to their crop field and harvesting more crops from that, but in the modern culture the man used chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and related items in the field to grow more. These chemicals pollutes the air, water and soil. In the course of time, the water again cycled and came to earth as precipitation which caused acid rain. Acid rain leads to skin diseases,eye irritation other diseases. The crops that we produced from the field, we ate that and that caused stomach problems, diabetes, brain fever and diseases.

             The practices of first food in modern society welcoming different types of diseases. The oily and spicy junk foods affects the man like decreasing memory power, irritate nature, blood pressure, loss of weight etc. Another bed practice is clothing. Using artificial synthetics also cause skin diseases. In fashion society most of people use make up materials to look beauty. These cause blindness, pimples on face, skin allergy, low eye sight and other related diseases.

         The Medicines used to cure these diseases are also have side effects for which the man have to die unexpectedly. People forgot to apply Ayurvedic medicine from nature as they have no time with them to prepare and use. Because it needs to collect some roots, fruits, seeds and leaves of different plants to prepare medicines. In place of these they are using chemicals to cure themselves which are causing side effects and diseases on body.

       The home appliances that we are using are making us idle. We became lazy to do manual labour and bring diseases for us. The utensils which we use in our kitchens are of non metal or alloys. That reacts to our food and cause diseases. Diseases like joint pain, nerve problems, gout, indigestion, stone in gall bladder, heart problems etc. are causing due to the food poison. Uses of poly packs to bring ready made food from market reacting the food that we can not know. It grows like slow poison in our body.

      Physical exercises through our daily activities became less due to modernization. We don't want to walk or keep foot on earth to go to nearby places. Using of motorcycles, cars decreased the physical exercises. These causes back pain, fear of disc sliding, muscle pains and joint pains.

    For our comfortable and luxurious life we are using cooler, air conditioners in our houses. These cause low blood pressure, stress in mind, body weakness and other related diseases. The use of beverage drinking became a fashion in modern society. These drinking are slow poisons. It gradually harm to bones and bone marrow, liver and kidney.

         Clothing habits of modern culture became a great problem. A five feet height of man using half a meter of cloth. It seems as naked body. That is attracting to both sex oppositely. The disease of aids is spreading in society due to this.Using of electronics appliances also causing eye and ear problems. People are using mobile, TV and other electronic devises for their entertainment that causes diseases related to E.N.T. Though we are in modern culture, we should take care of these from the very beginning, unless the days of destruction must come to us. We should try to live naturally. 

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