polythene and it's effects on environment.

           The beautiful surrounding around us is known as environment. Environment feeds, supports, teaches and play with the living and nonliving beings. Environment consists of atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere. The living beings live in the biosphere including the plants, animals, birds, aquatic animals and the human beings.

       We celebrate 'World Environment Day' on June 5 every year. But day to day the physics of environment is going on disturbance. Imbalance and pollution are increasing  in different sector of environment. No one trying to take care of it. All are embodied with ghost of development. Is there no way to check it? According to our little brain, increasing in number of vehicles in three ways-air, water and land, industrialization and explosion of population are responsible for the pollution of environment. But we are forgetting that, we the human being are sole responsible for the imbalance of the environment we are living in. For our comfort and luxurious life, we are using the environment as our slave.

           We are using unlimited plastic apparatus in each field of development like in IT sectors, transport, trade, commerce, home appliances etc. Polythene bags are made up of decayed plastic and rough chemicals which cause harm to the environment. The raw materials which are required for the manufacturing procedure of polythene bags are polythene, polyvinyl, chloride, polystyrene, phenyle, formaldehyde, urea, acetylene, benzene, cadmium, zinc, lead, propylene methyl, methacrylate, acrylamide, acetyl, thelete other chemicals.

            No biological process can destroy it. These chemicals are hazardous for human being. The chemicals which are used to stain the polythenes are very harmful because chromium, lead, barium and copper are used to make red, black, green and blue color. In these ingredients, the amount of harmful chemicals exist more. Due to plasticizer and polystyrene, chemicals present in polythene, man is suffering from brain, liver and diseases of reproductive organs.

      When polythene pipe goes through sewage, it emits methane gas(CH4). Not only it pollutes the environment but also spoil the sewage system and spread garbage around the surrounding. Mostly in high populated areas like town, cities and big villages are suffering from stagnant sewage problems. The sewage treatment plants which are most expensive can not run properly.

           Most people throw polythene pack with food items, vegetables and fruit wastes and the animals who are used to roam for food like cow, ox, goat swallow it. The milk of polythene eater cows becomes poisonous and also the animals suffer from stomach disorders and die because polythenes can not be digested in their digestive system. The animals die in premortal period. Nowadays everywhere like in rivers, streams and dustbins people are throwing great heaps of plastic garbage. The natural decomposer can not make these garbage into compost which causes the soil infertile.

        Manufacturing plants of polytheneemit SO2, CO,  N2Hand other gases. These gases not only make poisonous to the atmosphere but also it mix with hydrosphere and causes harm to the living being.

    If we want to fire the polythene to destroy it, it becomes more harmful because it emits chlorofluorocarbons that destroy the ozone layer of atmosphere. Along with, other gases also are produced which gives birth to diseases like cancer, heart and skin diseases and asthma. During the process of manufacturing polythene, the raw materials collected for this purpose are come with dirt particles. When we carry food items in polythene bags from the markets, it makes the food poisonous and spread contaminated diseases.

                    As the use of polythene is causing harm to the living being, we should make a law to ban the use of polythene. We should own alternative ways to carry edible items and others with bags of jute, cloth and papers. To produce these items can help the man to run small scale industries, which will give employment to the unemployed and feed others. So all of us should take care to keep the environment neat and clean.

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