the school bag as unnecessary burden on children

          When the children become growth and start going to school, they used to carry school bag with them, in which their parents pack books, copies, water bottle and tiffin box. As the children are staying five to six hours at school, so they take the necessary things with books and copies in their bag and it becomes heavy load for them.The school which are in high level, it's activities are also enough and now a days students want to be topper in every field. So they have to take every thing which are necessary for their activities and it becomes a habit since childhood to take heavy school bag with them.

         But due to heavy school bag, it may cause waist pain and shoulder pain in future. The waist and shoulder of the teenagers is not fit for lifting such heavy school bag. School bags are going to so heavy in compare to their age that no teacher is giving stress on it, they are only going on with their tasks to fulfill. They never want to leave the students independently. They always want to make the children busiest of busy , give more homework, so that the children will busy with doing homework, rather than in roaming and playing. The children engage themselves in doing homework and become irritated, so that they try to keep away them from study. When they hear about study, they want to go far from it and think that if the study hour will never come to them.

         With the pressure of school bag, their pressure of study become a problem for them. These two problems standing as an obstacle on their way of physical and mental development. Lifting heavy weight of school bag affecting badly on their backbone and causing bend (curve) of their backbone.

       According to doctors, one half of children in Britain are suffering from backbone problems and diseases. The school bag of the children in Britain is packed with books, copies, lunch box and playing tools, for which they suffer from backbone problems soon. According to specialists, if the children will lift 15% of weight in compare to their body weight, they may affect in severe disease of backbone and waist. In the views of back care association, the children of Britain are lifting 20-25% of weight as school bag. The survey of Britain says that each child is lifting 17.7 kg weighted school bag.

       The specialists says that some children hang their school bag on one side of their shoulder, for which there is more chance of backbone problems. The children who are taking part in games and sports, they take sports kit with them , for which the weight of the school bag become more heavy. So the children coming with sports kit and music apparatus are lifting one forth weight of their body. Lifting one forth weight of their body is difficult for elders.

        Though we are aware of these views of doctors and specialists, we have not taken any step for it. In this situations, teachers, headmaster and guardians should be alert. They should give their children the articles which the children can lift. Teachers also take care of it to help the children. They should not give heavy burden on children, they should give less homework and give the assignment which the children can learn from his daily life around his surrounding. They should teach the children by using pictures, telling stories and in playing methods.

          Now a days, waist pain and shoulder pain is not only problems of the children, but also it became a great problem for the elders. Long years ago it was seen in older, but now in town and cities, younger also suffering from these problems. Because the young mass is doing their jobs sitting in front of computers, they are not doing physical labor, their posture of sitting is also not in a way, they are sitting for a long time continuously, which is considered as wrong way of exercise. Excessive riding of bike also cause these problems. Sitting for hours at the computer causes neck problems, waist problems and wrist problems. In winter, it is more chance of such problems.
        The joint on which our shoulder is standing, called as ‘ball and socket joint’. In this type of joint, the support of bone is less than the support of nerves. The nerves help the shoulder to move circular easily. But by loading more weight on the shoulder and working continuously in a fix position, there is a pressure on it. In this way, both of its strength and stability are in danger. Ligament is like a fibrous tape, which connects two bones. The pain is common when there is a load on it for a long period of time.

         According to the doctors and specialists, this type of problem is common to arise if we don’t give attention to the exercises of joints in our busy life. In addition to this, the modern lifestyle has increased the problems linked with the shoulders. It is necessary to minimize the life’s load if we want to seek out the solution to the problems of the children and youth linked with the pain of shoulders and waist. We should not walk bearing more loads on our head and shoulders.

        Children’s shoulders slowly strengthen with their growth, so food and exercise are necessary for their physical and mental nourishment. It is necessary to strengthen the shoulders of the youth; we should make sufficient food as well as exercises as a part of our life. If we want to work for a long time while sitting, then it is beneficial to do the exercises of hands and shoulders often in the intervals; due to this freshness comes to the body and mind also associates well.

           The problems of shoulders and waist pain are the donation of modern lifestyle. In present time, there is deficiency of nutritious food, water and environment.

        For this reason, the physical and mental problems are being seen in children and youth, still if we make any positive change in our food and routine then we can be secured from the problem. We should not increase the load on the children from the early age; we should let their shoulders to strengthen, then only we can make them healthy and secure their future.

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