Diabetes is a disease caused by block or scarcity of insulin in human body. Doing mental jobs, human being most of time ignore physical exercises. The amount of glucose increases in body due to non utilization of it. Physical labor is necessary to keep our body healthy.The circulation of blood in our body needs muscles exercises. There are some plant products that help our organs to exercise automatically. The disease diabetes may harm human's body organs. Man may lose eyesight, any organ may paralyze, heart, kidney or any of his organs due to diabetes. So man should be aware of this disease. Let us discuss about it's remedies.
All of us are aware of wheat and it's usefulness. We use different wheat products in our houses as food. But we have not tried its green tiny plants. If we use the juice of tiny wheat plants, we can be cured from the diseases i,e, diabetes, piles,gout, blood cancer, cough, insomnia, worms, fistula, heart disease, anemia, asthma etc.
Take some wheat seeds and sow them in 10 -12 tubs differently. Sprinkle water on them to germinate. Keep the tubs in shadow region. Within 8-10 days the wheat seeds will germinate and grow up to 7-8 inches. At that time collect 40-50 tiny plants of green wheat. Cut the roots, wash the rest part of the plant with green tender leaves. Grind them in a mixture grinder, add some water. Filter it and drink a glass of juice early in the morning before breakfast. In this way, use the greenery parts of the plants one by one tub regularly. Keep in mind that the plants should not grow more than 7-8 inches. When the tub will empty, sow wheat again one by one so as to available of green juice every day. Continue it up to the normal position of your sugar level in your body. You can grow it throughout the year at your home.
Usefulness of green juice of wheat plant-
The juice contains 70% of liquid chlorophyll, Potassium, keratin, protein, minerals more than 90%, iron, calcium, enzymes,amino acid and vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B, B-12, Vitamin C etc. It matches 40% with human blood. So it is known as ' Green Blood'. It increases red blood cell in human blood. Enhance the digestive system of our body. Clean and purify the blood. Decrease the effects of toxin in our body. It is a gift of nature to both healthy and affected man.
Doses- The juice of the green plant of wheat can be taken by the patient suffering from diabetes, child, young person and old man. Dose will increase day by day. First of all two big teaspoonful, next dose of half a cup, then up to one cup can be taken. If you feel vomiting, heavy stomach, headache or starts loose motion, need not to fear. It is the symptoms of excretion of impurities from your body. It should be taken with empty stomach or before breakfast. Never keep the juice for hours to take later. It may lose it's qualities. You can chop the tender leaves of the plant and use as salad and chew. It helps more than juice. Don't mix anything for taste. You can take it twice or thrice in a day with a little quantity.
The trees of vijaysar have a well medicinal qualities. The hard part of the stem of vijaysar looks brown. These plants can be found in the deep jungles of India. The Himalayas is the storehouse of medicinal plants in the north of India. Take 50-100 grams of vijaysar stem cutting, put in a full sized glass of water at night. In the next morning, filter the water and drink before breakfast. The water must look red. After a month of using this solution diabetes must control to it's normal level. It helps to keep balancing the blood pressure of our body. The aged tree's stem is more useful. The tree should be of 10 years old.
Avoid late sleeping at night, taking non veg food, alcohol, taking rice and potato in meal. Use green vegetable and non spicy food. Take juice of bitter gourd twice in a week. This will help producing insulin in our stomach. Use pulses and green vegetables in your daily food. Instead of taking sugar, you can use jaggery for sweet. Taking of honey also increases the digestive system. Do regular morning walk and exercises.