time management

          Time is a prime factor for the whole universe. It plays an important role in life of living being. Civilization starts with the flow of time. Time shows ways to a betrayed man to make right decisions. It keeps records of individuals activities which help in future to check the performance of activities done. Management of time is also a prime factor to get success in life. Management of time means proper utilization of it according to task. It differs from each other on different jobs and tasks. There are different categories people having different professions. The management of their time also differs from each other. Doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, leader, saints, prophets, priest, student, farmer, businessman, mason, architect, builder etc. are the different categories of people in the human society.

           Time management is most necessary tool to achieve success in life. It depends on the person concern to the category of activities. Time management of a student is different from a teacher. The student manage his time according to his assignment. A student does the daily activities like others do for themselves such as bathing, washing, brushing teeth etc. But he manages his time in doing home work, practicing lessons, playing games etc. separately according to his convenience. The students who have no ideas about time management can not go ahead in study. Time never reverse to its position if it is not utilized properly.

         In case of a doctor time management is most necessary factor towards his duty. A doctor's duty is to serve the patients and give healthy life. A doctor manages his time in giving treatment to the patients by giving medicines for a time period, in operation theatre, at clinic and at home in family affairs. If there is no time management, then doctor can not give proper services to the people. Other than treatment, a doctor has to monitor the duties of other staffs according to time. He utilizes time in researching diseases and medicine to treat the patients completely.

      A lawyer also has to manage the time according to his tasks. He has to make a time schedule to deal with cases, research act and rules to protect or give justice to the person at court. He has to manage time to produce evidence before the judge, convincing the clients, self preparation etc. The lawyer must have to manage his time in order to get success in his carrier. In the part of a teacher also it requires time management to be a good teacher in his life. A teacher helps to reform the society, create creativity among the students to be a good human being in future. He has to utilize the time to maintain his duties, prepares lesson diary to deliver in the class room. Except these a teacher has duties towards friends, relatives, society and of own family. An engineer utilizes his time in making sketch of different plans. He has to estimate the time duration of completion of projects to be done. He has to make his project perfect within the specific time given to him. He has to make mental labour as well as physical labour to guide the workers for the fulfilment of the project within the given time period.

         A leader should be a punctual person. The time management is very essential for him. As a leader, he has to guide his followers that they have to work with respect to the time. He can't delay a minute in the assembly. He should manage his time always for his meetings. Time management is his identity. The saints are a type of leaders, who guide the common people to walk in the right path. They advise the people to manage the time because it is too precious. If it is gone once, it never comes back. So, we should do the right work in the right time. They manage their time in such a way that they do meditation as well as advise the people in their available time.

      The prophets are believed to have proper knowledge of time. In their prophecies, they tell about the timings of the happenings. They manage the time better than others as they are very concerned about their present and future. They give specific time periods to the people coming to them for their sacred occasions. They advise them to  manage the time with well preparation. The priests are also concerned about their timings. They worship the God in the specific time and they open and close the temple in specific time. They do their sacred works in specific time.

       Today's students are tomorrow's future. So, it is very essential to teach them the importance of time management. The teachers teach them the time management by giving them the homework for doing, in a given time. The time management plays an important role in a student's life. The student has to study as well as to play to relax his mind and body. He has to manage his time for his studies and his different activities. If he studies the whole year managing the time in a correct way, he will definitely be succeeded.

         The farmers give more importance to the time. They wake in time and go for their work in their fields. They use fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides timely. They grow different crops in different periods of time. They wait for the rainy season and spread the seeds in their fields. They yield the crop in time with well preparation and management.

       A businessman knows the time to be very important. His works are to be completed in time. He has to import the goods in time. If the goods are not exported in time, he will not be successful in his work. He has to manage his time for his family, friends and relatives as well as for his official work. So, the time management seems an important task for him. By managing the time, he will get success in the field of international trading.

        The time is very important to the masons. They are told by the land owners to finish the building work in a certain period of time. They have to manage their time for their own work as well as their for their family.

       The architects have to manage the time for their work. They have to design their project in the given time period. The builders manage their time for their work. They also work with respect to time which gives them the key to success.

      Like them, everyone should learn how to manage the time, so that they can go ahead and achieve their goal.

    It is said that time and tide wait for none. So, in our life, if we will manage our time in a correct way, we can surely get the success.

Energy crisis and its solutions

        Every living being do something for his life to live. Energy needs to do work. Living being collect energy from food. Human being also related to this rule. He wants food for energy. Ancient people was taking fruits and raw flesh as food. Gradually he knows the use of fire and started eating burnt flesh. There he saw that burnt food became tasty such as potato,tomato etc. As the time passed, he started cultivation and produced food. It became a habit of purifying the crops and use. He did not need fire to do this.Fire is the first and foremost energy invented by human being. Man was making fire with dry branches of tree and straws. With the development of civilization he learnt to make weapons. He used coal to melt metals, learnt drawing petroleum from mines. The want of  fuel became more as compare to increase in population. When the demand of energy could not fulfill, the crisis of energy took birth.

       In modern age different types of energy are being utilized in the different field of production. Gas and electricity are being utilized in the field of cooking food. Patrol and diesel are being used in the field of vehicles in transport. The demand for electricity is being increased. There is no such field that there is no need of energy. Without energy the modern civilization will become dull one. There is demand for energy in each and field of life, such as food, cloth, shelter, books and other usable goods, in the field of transport and agriculture. Day to day it is increasing the demand for energy as compare to the want of human being.

      The main sources of energy are forest, coal inside the earth and petrol. These sources are going to decrease day by day. But due to increasing rate of population and setting of industries to fulfill their demand, the forest resource is decreasing.  Coal and mineral oil are going to scarce. Because there is no new formation of them. It must be end up one day. Because coal is using in generating electricity to overcome the demand of electricity. For this purpose coal is going through scarcity. With the increasing population energy production is less. As a result energy crisis is landing on the world.

         The source of energy like coal and mineral oil are non- renewable source of energy. These sources are limited, so renewable sources of energy are being given more stress. Among them atomic energy is one. Here energy produced by dividing atoms through atomic reactors. But it is very dangerous to generate electricity. Because the ray radiate from it is very dangerous. It may destroy to the living world and disqualify the shelter of living being. The situation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan is not unknown to the people of the world. So atomic energy has both merit and demerit. Most of nations are preparing atomic bomb to destroy others which is scaring and threaten to world.

         Solar energy is a new source of energy. It is used for generating electricity, running vehicles and cooking foods. Electricity is being generated through wind power in the coastal areas by setting wind wheel. Sea waves also is being utilized to generate electricity. Gas plant in village areas also is being set to meet the demand of power. The oil from Jatropha seeds also is being utilized to run vehicles. These sources of energy have no dangerous property ,because the dangerous gas like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide will be not emitted by these
          To overcome the energy crisis, human being should minimize the use of modern comfortable goods at home and offices. They should be aware of energy waste unnecessarily.

Service to human being is service to God

          Service to mankind is a great quality of human being. With the limited ability and capacity, man can engage himself in serving  his parents,teacher and other family members; but the man who serve his parents, teachers and his family members as well as the society is a lucky one in the world.There is great service other than service to man, that is service to the whole living world.The man who has no serving mentality to human being, can not get the mercy of the God. Service to living being is greater than worshipping the God.

     To reach the point of kindness and spread heart, man should promise to serve the living being. All the religions in the world acknowledge the service to mankind as a holy job. Most holistic men are now propagating service to mankind and living being through their religious organization. Indian Aryan association, Ramakrishna mission, missionaries are the human serving organizations. These organizations propagate their ideals of religions through service to living being.

          There are two types of person found in human society, they are rich-poor,strong-weak, healthy and suffering, Among these rich, strong and healthy are not in need of service. The poor, weak, man with economical crisis,sick and disables are the man to be served. Service to these people is service to god. Like the baby child needs help from elders ,the sick and disables are also in need of help.

            In service to mankind, there is no feeling of ego,proud and selfishness.If anyone is serving these people for name and fame, then there is no value of service.True service is that which is followed by kindness, selflessness, brotherhood and humanity. The man who is serving to the poor, sick or weak should feel it as his duty towards humanity. Some people serve to get majority of support or votes and some try to protect their property from political attack through showing service. Most of people serve to fix their leadership over a long period of time. These ways of serving the human being are not really service to mankind. But when we are serving people without any hope for return or without secrecy, that will be the real service.

     Donating food to hungry, help to disable, water to thirsty, knowledge to students, treatment to sick, save from distress, console to sad are included in real service. Besides these save people from fire, distribute relief like food, cloth medicines to the people suffering from natural calamities are also service to human being. In the field of service to human being there is no discrimination of religions, caste, sex, colours and groups. To serve a mass is not a single man job, associations should engage themselves to serve a large territory.Service guilds should be organized to serve a large number of people. Red cross society is one of great organization of human service.

                There a great difference between social service and human service. Social service meant only for a particular society. But human service is a great job. There is no social discrimination in human service. It is meant for the international brotherhood where there is no other feeling. All are equal in the eye of human service. Human service never go through selfishness, it should holy, pure  with good character. There are many stars to human being like Albert Swayatsar, Mother Teresa, Jesus Christ and others. So students should should be taught the knowledge of humanity and service. Then they can serve human being during their job or after retirement.

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